summer in glasgow

Sunday, June 17, 2007

it's the month of June


but over here in Glasgow...summer is a daily thing...once in awhile the sun comes up and the temp is about 21 degrees BUT MOST OF THE TIME it's 10 degrees?!!?!

so yea..its a fake summer most of the time, as you need to pull on your jackets and scarfs

some of my batchmates even started wearing gloves already!!! they look like it's winter!!

now i need to check the weather forecast daily cause you never know when it is going to rain..i shall put up a weather widget on my blog, so that you all can also see what climate I am in ^ ^
the widget doenst look tht nice la nor is it tht accurate i think...but more or less you get the idea =)

welp looks like for next week only my friday is a sunny summer =D..darn

*no pictures for my blog yet..rather unfortunate as my mac is in the shop*