Browsing around my Facebook, I was trying to find when was the year I got married..yup the dates didn't quite stick to my brain after all :)
…and no I didn't actually find it and too lazy to grab my wedding ring to check…
I found this, the About Me section:-
I wrote
much awaits
a destiny precedes
a life un-ridden
the future forbidden
to ride the wild horses
to unleash life exuberantly
to live and breathe
to face the fiery storms
and go against all odds
to have it all
to be who i am called to be
I think it was probably more than 10 years ago that I wrote this?
Reflecting back, I am amazed at myself. The maturity, the passion, the faith, the hope..all in the heart of a young teenage girl.
Life is all about choices and perspective.
And heck it sure ain't easy growing up :) I have had my fair share of life's experiences for the past 27 (or is it 28?) years of living. In a couple of days time, I will be turning another year's chapter of life. Reminding me the day that I was born into this world.
I am now a working adult and a wife. Still a daughter, a sister and a friend. :)
Life brings about challenges in all aspects, in terms of career / family / social / spiritual. I am not ashamed to say that I have my setbacks, my weakness, my imperfections in every aspect of life. I am on a journey and will always have something to work on. On some aspects, it may just take me an entire lifetime but this doesn't mean I shouldn't try.
I don't always get things right the first time nor the second time or even the third! Realising this enables me to give second chances a little bit more. Everyone is on their journey in life.
Having an open mind and heart allows me to live life simpler, not to judge too quickly (I am still working on it) and to try to love a little bit more.
Dealing with people ain't never easy, with all the variability only God knows the hearts.
This season of my life and so will every season onwards, I will be learning and re-learning and working on this aspect. The more you grow up in life, the more variabilities of people that you have to deal with. The more thought that has to be put into it and most of all the more heart that is required to keep things real and sincere...
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