courtesy of PF

Friday, August 3, 2007


aLLy said...

this is what we do when we de-stress!
*pf wash toilets in a little tango to remove tough stains!
*fio grabs her lumix to capture such 'unforgettable' momments
*alicia laughs her heart out, getting entertained!!weee
p/s: fio, u shud hv videoed it! den we can post it on youtube! muahahahaha!(pf will behead us then)xD..
*toilet is sparkling clean! thx to pf!!!*
*BIG shoutout to pf! and a BIG hug to all my hsemates for just being so entertaining.LOL*

Fionna Tan said...


yup toilet is now CLEAN ^^ I like clean toilets =p

Fionna Tan said...

camiseta thts called a spam -_-

phuayfhern said...

gosh i'm so being accused!!!! So, there's a serious urgency for clarification here!!! Everyone, i wasn't tango-ing... and pics are results of me paying full attn into accomplishing my toilet-washing chore, and also in desperation to avoid fionna's lumix. =(
bye bye reputation..... or am i juz a natural entertainer?? =)
And ally the ultimate betrayer... don't simply support fio's description of the pics OK?
Fionna... time to remove the post-ups!

love u both lots,
phuayfhern the innocent hsemate who's simply speechless by the fact dat fio actually made a comic out of her washing toilets! ewwww!!

Fionna Tan said...

i just made you famous!!

haha you shud thk ME ^^

Anonymous said...

G6 housemates had a great laugh till we fall from our chair, wondring how would it be like if we're there to view it first hand? maybe we'll get better with our chopstick feet while you're cleaning =p

nice one fionna,
keep me update ally!
fhern, you can start charging them for your service - 5.6 pound per hour.

ah Xin-

Anonymous said...

Fhern, u looked HOT!!!~~ wakakaka... XD

Fionna Tan said...

^^ welp keep in tune..definitely bound to be more short comics coming up XD

need to do some entertainment so tht ppl won't get affected too badly by the weather =D

need to popularize some ppl XD

and i do it for FREE...sheeze where can u find tht kinda deal??