Dreamer - Movie

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dreamer (March 2008)
Dreams are only meant for the strong to take hold of, to pursue, to achieve.

You are a great champion.
When you ran, the ground shook.
The sky opened, and mere mortals parted.
Parted the way to victory, where you'll meet me in the winner's circle—
and I'll put a blanket of flowers on your back

When you decide to follow your dream, miracles start to happen, the unbelievable starts to occur...when you begin to live your dream, that’s when life really starts to come alive.

Nothing comes easy, no great thing ever occurred in history without a price
It requires hard work, it requires tears, it requires blood, it requires all that you have to run the dream...but to not even try will be a greater sin than not achieving it